it is the other people around them


It was then when a Reddit user suggested that she may have Borderline Personality Disorder, a disorder that carries a heavy stigma. Unlike many mental health disorders, there is no pill for BPD. The only way to treat it is for the patient to admit that they have a problem and actively seek help themselves, which is part of what makes this disorder so sinister.  People with BPD seem to have answers for all of their problems and believe that it is the other people around them that have real problems. When approached about it they will often backlash resulting in it taking years for them ever to get help, if they do at all.

So I was recommended a few books, read many accounts online about it and  came across the 9 Traits of BPD these traits describe the woman to the T:

1.   Frantic efforts to avoid abandonment

2.   A pattern of Unstable and intense interpersonal relationships

3.   Identity disturbance

4.   Impulsivity in at least 2 or more self-damaging activities

5.   Recurrent suicidal behavior and self-mutilation

6.   Affect instability due to a marked reactivity of mood

7.   Chronic feelings of emptiness

8.   Inappropriate, intense anger with difficulty controlling it. Frequent displays of temper.

9.   Transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms (effects don’t match the emotional tone)

I could go ahead and put several check marks next to each one. Many of these symptoms align with PTSD which it has been suggested that she has and she has received treatment.

Frantic efforts to avoid abandonment

She has often had these so-called “accidents” as soon as my father leaves for work causing him to turn around to tend to her aid. This results in him missing work a lot.


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